Ordination & Installation

 New Consistory Members Installed

On Sunday, January 9, 2010 the following new members were ordained and installed into the body of the Consistory:  Jim Mayfield as Elder, Terry Gaffken and Christine Henning, both as Deacons.  We welcome them to their respective offices and encourage the Congregation to make use of their individual talents as they embark on a new journey in the life of the Hurley Reformed Church.


Also, at the Consistory meeting of January 10th, each of these new members assumed the following positions on the Consistory:  Jim Mayfield as Finance and Administration Chairman; Christine Henning as Program and Activities Chairperson; and Terry Gaffken as Chairperson of the Worship Committee.  If the Congregation should have any questions with regard to those areas of the Church, please seek out the respective Chairperson for assistance.